children's book series

NR. 5: The extinct dinosaur

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Picture Book

Coloring Book

Cover of the book Snow Globe Adventures: The extinct dinosaur
Cover of the book Snow Globe Adventures Colouring Book: The extinct dinosaur



Cover vom Buch Schneekugel-Abenteuer: Der ausgestorbene Dinosaurier
Cover of the book Snow Globe Adventures Colouring Book: The extinct dinosaur



Cover van boek Sneeuwbol Avonturen: De uitgestorven dinosaurus
Cover of the book Snow Globe Adventures Colouring Book: The extinct dinosaur

Book Preview (selected pages)

picture book, verse, rhymed story, bedtime reading, treasure map, grandpa, grandma, grandchildren, snow globe adventures, adventurous journey, action-packed, adventure, colors, magic, fun, children, illustrations, 32 pages, eBook, dinosaurs, dinos, extinction,
Diplodocus, Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex, Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor, Styxosaurus, Mosasaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Kronosaurus, Dakosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Tropeognathus, Pteranodon, Rhamphorhynchus, Byronosaurus, Oviraptorosaurus
Bilderbuch, Vers, gereimte Geschichte, Gute-Nacht Geschichte, Opa, Oma, Enkelkinder, Schneekugel-Abenteuer, abenteuerliche Reise, Abenteuer, Kinder, Illustrationen, bunt, Malbuch, Reim, Grosseltern, zum Vorlesen, Vorlesen, spannend, 32 Seiten, Dinosaurier, Aussterben
Prentenboek, vers, rijm verhaal, welterusten verhaal, opa, oma, kleinkinderen, sneeuwbol avonturen, avontuur, kleuren, magie, plezier, kinderen, illustraties, tekeningen, kleurrijk, kleurboek, rijm, grootouders, voorlezen, spannend, 32 bladzijden, e-boek, schatkaart, dinosaurus, uitsterven, dinosauriërs