Audit Risk Management
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The best practice strategy guide for minimising the audit risks and achieving the Internal Audit strategies and objectives.
Audit Risk Management is the best practice guide for ensuring internal audit’s success in the company. Follow the strategic risk management principles explained in this book to becoming successful in achieving the objectives of the audit function. Apply the fundamental audit risk management principles and a successful career as CAE is easily attainable.
Companies lose over $100 billion a year due to corporate scandals.
Where were the internal auditors?
Think about the VW diesel emissions scandal, the Yahoo hacking scandal, the BP oil spill scandal or the Petrobras corruption scandal. When the 1st and 2nd Lines of Defence failed to prevent these scandals, could the 3rd Line of Defence, the Internal Auditors, have prevented these? The answer can be yes if those Internal Audit Functions would have managed their audit risks.
The Beumer Audit Risk Management Model© shows the strategic audit risk management framework for the audit risk identification, measurement and mitigation. The model connects 60 audit risks, in 6 audit risk categories, to 30 audit objectives. Value risks, focus risks, execution risks, performance risks, reporting risks and compliance risks may keep the Chief Audit Executive from reaching the audit objectives. Depending on the audit risk appetite and the audit risk prevention, the Chief Audit Executive can apply up to 66 audit risk mitigation measures for reducing the audit risks to an acceptable level.
Hardcover: ISBN 9783906861159
EBook: ISBN 9783906861173
Pages: 208
Language: English
Edition: First
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Hans Beumer Publications

Contribution to SAWYER’S INTERNAL AUDITING 7th Edition
The IIA International Headquarters in Florida, USA, revised and updated SAWYER’S INTERNAL AUDITING.
Hans Beumer is a main contributor to this 7th Edition. Because of the strategic relevance of his Internal Audit Strategy books, Hans was contracted to author the first chapter of the book, covering the topic of the DEVELOPING AN INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGY.
This 7th edition was published by the IIA in January 2019.
Book Preview (selected pages)

internal audit, risk management, audit risk management, first line defence, second line defence, third line defence, audit objectives, audit risks, audit assurance risks, audit process risks, inherent risk, control risk, risk identification, risk measurement, risk mitigation, risk appetite, residual risk, audit function, audit department, value risks, focus risks, execution risks, performance risks, reporting risks, compliance risks