Audit Function Strategy
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“Audit Function Strategy offers profound insights and hands-on advice on the achievement of the highest performance levels for Internal Audit. The book will prove to be a bible for all Chief Audit Executives who strive to deliver the best audit value to the organisation they serve. Driving Audit Value (Vol. I) also guides Audit Committees and Executive Management for what can be expected of a state-of-the-art Internal Audit function and how to benefit from unlocked audit potentials.”
Henk van Blokland, Head of Internal Audit, OC Oerlikon Management AG, Switzerland
“Hans Beumer has developed an excellent internal audit resource with thought-provoking strategies and concepts based on actual experience. Relevant and practical for new or experienced practitioners. Truly passionate about the value of internal audit to organizations.”
Robert Kuling, Chairman of the Board of Directors for IIA North America, Partner – Risk Advisory, Deloitte, Canada
“The question ‘how can internal audit truly add value’ is probably as old as the profession itself. The book of Hans Beumer provides – for the first time – a holistic, in-depth analysis of how audit value is created (or destroyed) and what strategies the CAE has to optimize it. Like a forensic surgeon, Beumer decomposes the elements and drivers of audit value and provides practical context and guidance from his rich practical experience as CAE and internal audit practitioner.”
Markus T. Schweizer, Managing Partner, Strategic Solutions, Germany / Switzerland / Austria, Ernst & Young Ltd., Switzerland
“The author describes “Audit Function Strategy” by cracking the value code of internal auditing in an amazing way, that can be considered as a real blueprint and “must have” for all ambitious internal auditors and CAEs. Especially the hints regarding an overarching internal audit strategy and the different value trees were a big pleasure to read. In summary, this book offers an outstanding blend of guidance, best practice and real life examples that help to improve.”
Torben Hilbertz, SVP Internal Audit, Abu Dhabi Airports, Abu Dhabi, UAE
“Audit Function Strategy provides a crystal clear and easy to follow road map for enhancing the strategic value of the internal audit activity. This book tells you both how to maximise the added value and evaluate your progression. Hans Beumer takes the internal audit theory and best practice and makes it applicable, sharp, measurable and actionable. This book will have a profound impact on the improvement of internal audit activities in companies worldwide, as it closely ties the internal audit’s customer value proposition to the expectations of companies’ boards, management and other key stakeholders.”
Kurt Hausheer, retired Chairman of the Audit Committee and Board of Directors member of OC Oerlikon from 2008 to 2015, and former Managing Partner Advisory at PwC, Switzerland
“The Author has done a flawless job in writing this monumental book for the internal audit professionals. Each section of this book is carefully backed with detailed illustrations, and it goes a long way towards promoting a state of the art internal audit function. This book will be a good investment and will be a collector’s items for the internal audit professionals.”
Jareen Yao, Director – Internal Audit, Risk & Compliance, KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. Singapore
The best practice strategy guide for maximising the audit added valet the Internal Audit Function level.
Audit Function Strategy is the best practice guide for ensuring Internal Audit’s success in the company. Follow the strategic principles explained in this book for becoming successful in achieving the objectives of an IA Function. It does not matter whether the audit team consists of one, fifty or three hundred auditors. Apply the fundamental success principles described in this book and a successful career as CAE is easily attainable.
Hardcover: ISBN 9783906861135
EBook: ISBN 9783906861142
Pages: 208
Language: English
Edition: First
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Hans Beumer Publications

Contribution to SAWYER’S INTERNAL AUDITING 7th Edition
The IIA International Headquarters in Florida, USA, revised and updated SAWYER’S INTERNAL AUDITING.
Hans Beumer is a main contributor to this 7th Edition. Because of the strategic relevance of his Internal Audit Strategy books, Hans was contracted to author the first chapter of the book, covering the topic of the DEVELOPING AN INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGY.
This 7th edition was published by the IIA in January 2019.
Book Preview (selected pages)

Internal Audit, Audit Function Strategy, Audit Strategy, Audit Added Value, Audit Cost, Audit Value, Internal Audit Charter, Audit Risk Assessment, Annual Audit Plan, Audit Coordination, Audit Reporting, Audit Performance Management, Institute Internal Auditors, Audit Committee, Audit Cost Efficiency, Audit Planning Efficiency, Audit Efficiency, IPPF, Audit Customer Expectations, Audit Value Driver, Audit Value Enabler, Audit Organisation, Audit Authority, Audit Independence, Audit Objectivity, Audit Responsibility, Audit Compliance, COSO, COSO-ERM, Audit Universe, Audit Resources, Understanding the Business, Audit Progress Reporting, Audit Balanced Scorecard, Driving Audit Value